Customer Testimonials

“VDB Coins has been a reliable source of quality examples of coins specific to my collecting needs from the more common, to the rare and difficult to find. George Huber is always a pleasure to deal with, offering personalized service, fairness, and timely attention to detail.”
—Andrew G., New York, N.Y.

“I really enjoy working with George at VDB Coins. I feel that he always works to find me the best coin available that will still stay within my budget.”
—Mike A., Muscatine, Iowa

“George at VDB Coins is the type of dealer I love to buy from again and again. Each time I’ve purchased from him, I’ve received beautiful coins and plenty of background knowledge regarding each coin. VDB Coins is definitely a company I trust to help me with my Registry Sets and I will continue to buy from in the future.”
—Bryan H., Wilmington, N.C.

“After multiple purchases, George at VDB Coins is one of my go-to dealers for Wheat cent toners to find that certain coin no one else has.”
—JGDCoins, Wayne, N.J.

“George is one of a kind! Very responsive and always willing to work with you, not to mention a great selection of coins! Will definitely be back to buy more.”
—Brian D., Yonkers, N.Y.

“George has been my go-to dealer in locating me some extremely hard-to-find, esoteric rarities well up into the five- and even six-figure range. His networking and persistence skills are awesome.”
—Mark H., Sheridan, Wyo.

“George and VDB Coins is the dealer you can rely on for quality toned Lincoln cents and more. A prime selection of quality toners will leave you scouring his website to find the right coin for your collection.”
—JGDCoins, Wayne, N.J.

“George at VDB Coins is the kind of dealer that one can develop a working relationship with of trust. He has a keen eye for quality product, is fair in pricing, and pays personal attention to one’s collecting needs and goals.”
—Andrew G., New York, N.Y.

“Mr. George, I received my coin today and am well pleased. It has been a pleasure doing business with you. Thanks again.”
—Robert A., Springfield, Tenn.